Swarm Again — Again — And Again

So on May 10th I thought the congestion had increased to the point the bees may swarm again.  Well swarm they did!  On May 12th the bees produced what has come to be known as AfterSwarm A.


AfterSwarm A


They congregated on the window.   I dutifully swept them into a bag and placed them in a box full of comb.  They kindly flew right back to the window.  They remained congregated on the window until the 14th.


On the May 14th, the observation hive swarmed again, producing AfterSwarm B.


AfterSwarm B


I called Todd and he brought some cardboard nuc boxes.  We put AfterSwarm B into a box where they stayed.  After dark I corked it up and delivered it to Todd on the morning of the 15th.


We then approached AfterSwarm A on the window.  They had a few scouts returning and dancing.  They seemed to be behaving as a swarm.  I once again swept them into a box.  This time it was cardboard with two frames of foundation.  They didn’t like those accommodations either.  They dispersed.  I have no idea whether some returned to the observation hive or if they congregated somewhere out of my detection.


This afternoon at about 1:52 once again the hive roared.  It actually made some sounds that resembled a jet plane.  Totally amazing the sounds these bees can produce.  Much lower and rumblier than I’ve heard before.  It sounded as though a couple frames where shaking.  I couldn’t see that happening though.  And through all of this the queens continue to pipe.

A bunch of bees flew away. I’m calling them AfterSwarm C.  I think they went in the direction of the cemetery.  I haven’t found them yet.  I don’t think it was too many bees, probably less than a pound.

And that is the swarm report for today!


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