Posts tagged garden


Starting the garden in 2016


Once again I am a little late getting the garden started, but after the beautiful weekend, Joni and I made some progress. Garden 1 and garden 2 are ready to plant and the new garen 3 has a nice layer of compost. I will be putting all the viney stuff in garden 3 in mounds. Last year I tried to mix bush beans and some tomatoes and eggplant in with the mounds of squash, zucchini, cantaloupe, and cucumbers and it was way too much. It turned into a jungle. It was quite productive, but unnavigable. This year garden 2 will just have normal rows of whatever and all the vines will tangle in the new space.

The Garden Grows


The garden is growing nicely. We got a late start with the tomatoes and peppers, but it feels like we are on the early side with the corn and onions. There are a couple of rows of string beans which we began harvesting a couple of days ago. We plan to process and freeze a lot of veggies this year. The two rows of limas are slowly coming along. I’m not sure what the problem is with the peppers, but they are growing very slowly. I don’t think the soil is as good at that end of the garden. I’ll have to do a better job of mixing the soil when I till this fall.

okra flower

Okra flowers


This is the first year that we have tried growing okra.  The plants are nice and compact and quite attractive.  I saw the first flower this morning – very pretty.

okra flower

It looks similar to a hollyhock flower.  Okra wasn’t one of my favorite veggies as I was growing up, but I’m thinking that’s because I never tried it really fresh and prepared in quite the right way.  Last year we brought some home from a farmer’s market and roasted it with some garlic and a little olive oil – fantastic!

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